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Living in Survival Mode: Why Latinas Facing Homelessness Experience Simultaneous Health Crises, Part 1

Director of Clinical Services Emily Hendel and Behavioral Health Counselor Angelica Solano were interviewed for the December 8, 2024, episode of the 100 Latina Birthdays podcast. Click here to listen "Between 2015 to 2019, unsheltered homelessness increased among two...

A Commitment to Rush: From Past to Present

CommunityHealth provider Dr. Margaret Bavis was featured in the Rush U Magazine on November 25, 2024: "Bavis’ work extends beyond her faculty role through an academic practice partnership between Rush and CommunityHealth, where she mentors nurse practitioner students...

Where to Get Affordable or Free Healthcare in Chicago

from Urban Matter November 11, 2024 "Unlike many developed countries, the United States does not offer free universal healthcare. "Instead, it provides a combination of private insurance and government-run options, with the Affordable Care Act aiming to provide health...

Como Registrarse Como Paciente Nuevo

Bienvenidos a CommunityHealth Estamos muy contentos de que esté interesado en convertirse en uno de nuestros pacientes. CommunityHealth es uno de los centros de salud voluntarios más grandes del país y acaba de cumplir 30 años. Brindamos atención primaria y...

July Volunteer Spotlight: Dulce Brousset

CommunityHealth shines the Volunteer Spotlight on Dulce Brousset during July Dulce started volunteering with CommunityHealth in 2020 when the clinic first started remote interpreting. As a long-time, cherished volunteer, Dulce not only trains new interpreters and...

Become an ALL INsider

CommunityHealth is leading the fight for access And we invite you to join the conversation on how we can build a system where everyone has access to the right health care, at the right time, in the right place. CommunityHealth hosts the All In™ event series annually...

Our Locations

Lederman Family Health Center

2611 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622

CommunityHealth at Onward House

5413 W. Diversey Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639

CommunityHealth at Enlace

2759 S. Harding Ave.
Chicago, IL 60623

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Wiadomości z kliniki

Living in Survival Mode: Why Latinas Facing Homelessness Experience Simultaneous Health Crises, Part 1

Director of Clinical Services Emily Hendel and Behavioral Health Counselor Angelica Solano were interviewed for the December 8, 2024, episode of the 100 Latina Birthdays podcast. Click here to listen "Between 2015 to 2019, unsheltered homelessness increased among two...

A Commitment to Rush: From Past to Present

CommunityHealth provider Dr. Margaret Bavis was featured in the Rush U Magazine on November 25, 2024: "Bavis’ work extends beyond her faculty role through an academic practice partnership between Rush and CommunityHealth, where she mentors nurse practitioner students...

Where to Get Affordable or Free Healthcare in Chicago

from Urban Matter November 11, 2024 "Unlike many developed countries, the United States does not offer free universal healthcare. "Instead, it provides a combination of private insurance and government-run options, with the Affordable Care Act aiming to provide health...

Como Registrarse Como Paciente Nuevo

Bienvenidos a CommunityHealth Estamos muy contentos de que esté interesado en convertirse en uno de nuestros pacientes. CommunityHealth es uno de los centros de salud voluntarios más grandes del país y acaba de cumplir 30 años. Brindamos atención primaria y...

July Volunteer Spotlight: Dulce Brousset

CommunityHealth shines the Volunteer Spotlight on Dulce Brousset during July Dulce started volunteering with CommunityHealth in 2020 when the clinic first started remote interpreting. As a long-time, cherished volunteer, Dulce not only trains new interpreters and...

Become an ALL INsider

CommunityHealth is leading the fight for access And we invite you to join the conversation on how we can build a system where everyone has access to the right health care, at the right time, in the right place. CommunityHealth hosts the All In™ event series annually...

Nasze placówki

Lederman Family Health Center

2611 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622

CommunityHealth at Onward House

5413 W. Diversey Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639

CommunityHealth at Enlace

2759 S. Harding Ave.
Chicago, IL 60623

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Actualizaciones de la clínica

Living in Survival Mode: Why Latinas Facing Homelessness Experience Simultaneous Health Crises, Part 1

Director of Clinical Services Emily Hendel and Behavioral Health Counselor Angelica Solano were interviewed for the December 8, 2024, episode of the 100 Latina Birthdays podcast. Click here to listen "Between 2015 to 2019, unsheltered homelessness increased among two...

A Commitment to Rush: From Past to Present

CommunityHealth provider Dr. Margaret Bavis was featured in the Rush U Magazine on November 25, 2024: "Bavis’ work extends beyond her faculty role through an academic practice partnership between Rush and CommunityHealth, where she mentors nurse practitioner students...

Where to Get Affordable or Free Healthcare in Chicago

from Urban Matter November 11, 2024 "Unlike many developed countries, the United States does not offer free universal healthcare. "Instead, it provides a combination of private insurance and government-run options, with the Affordable Care Act aiming to provide health...

Como Registrarse Como Paciente Nuevo

Bienvenidos a CommunityHealth Estamos muy contentos de que esté interesado en convertirse en uno de nuestros pacientes. CommunityHealth es uno de los centros de salud voluntarios más grandes del país y acaba de cumplir 30 años. Brindamos atención primaria y...

July Volunteer Spotlight: Dulce Brousset

CommunityHealth shines the Volunteer Spotlight on Dulce Brousset during July Dulce started volunteering with CommunityHealth in 2020 when the clinic first started remote interpreting. As a long-time, cherished volunteer, Dulce not only trains new interpreters and...

Become an ALL INsider

CommunityHealth is leading the fight for access And we invite you to join the conversation on how we can build a system where everyone has access to the right health care, at the right time, in the right place. CommunityHealth hosts the All In™ event series annually...

Nuestros Centros

Lederman Family Health Center

2611 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622

CommunityHealth at Onward House

5413 W. Diversey Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639

CommunityHealth at Enlace

2759 S. Harding Ave.
Chicago, IL 60623

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